You can create a global JavaScript object that stores a table and then use this object each time that you need to access the data. 您可以创建一个存储表格的全局JavaScript对象,然后每次您需要访问数据时就使用该对象。
The context global object is of type XSPContext in the XSP library. 上下文全局对象属于XSP库中的XSPContext类型。
The session global object is, in fact, a Lotus Domino NotesSession object for the current user. session全局对象实际上是当前用户的LotusDominoNotesSession对象。
This script creates a global google object that you'll use later. 此脚本创建了一个全局google对象,您可以稍候使用。
The iWidget's scope object needs to be visible in the global object. 在全局对象中需要iWidget的范围对象是可见的。
The team started to produce a single, global object model for the entire Supply Chain Management sample application. 该小组开始为整个供应链管理样本应用程序建立一个单一的全局对象模型。
In the case of a script in a web page, the global object is the window object, which will allow it to be referenced in the web page you see in Listing 8. 如果脚本是网页中的脚本,则全局对象就是窗口对象,允许在清单8所示的网页中引用。
When defined at the top level of a script, this becomes the global object. 如果在脚本的最顶层定义,this将成为一个全局对象。
A simpler way is to create a global JavaScript object that relates each enumeration value to its label. 一个更简单的方法,是创建一个全局的JavaScript对象,它会向其标签发布每一个枚举值。
Additionally, the Prototype framework provides a global Ajax object that makes your Ajax functions easy to write and, even better, easy to process. 另外,Prototype框架还提供一个全局Ajax对象,这个对象使Ajax功能更容易编写、效果更好、更容易处理。
For example, the sample iWidget declares a global object SampleIWidget. 例如,示例iWidget声明一个全局对象SampleIWidget。
The global user data object ($ user) and the user_access function are used to accomplish this. 这需要使用全局的用户数据对象($user)和useraccess函数。
The main theme of this paper is that the early process of visual cognition may be source from the global spatial frequency of object. “初期特征分析”理论认为视觉认知过程由局部性质开始到大范围性质,而“初期整体知觉”理论认为由大范围性质到局部性质。
The following code provides an example of creating a template for the global object and setting the built-in global functions. 下面的代码提供了一个为全局对象创建模板并且设置全局函数的例子。
If we apply a Global Color to any object or path, we can later change the color on the fly and it will be applied where the Global Color was added. 如果我们把全局色应用到某个对象或者路径时,我们在之后还可以很快地更改原来的颜色,并且应用的还是新增的全局色。
Based on regional growth and the global motion estimation in video object extraction 基于区域生长和全局运动估计的视频对象提取
Returns true if public members of the global object are available to the script engine without qualification, as if they are part of the global namespace. 如果全局对象的公共成员无需限定即可供脚本引擎使用,就如同它们是全局命名空间的一部分,则返回true。
It has more advantages over gradient maximum likelihood algorithm, which is difficult to global optimization of object function. 由于递推极大似然估计法难以实现性能指标函数的全局寻优,所以本文提出了将改进的进化计算用于系统参数辨识的方法。
Due to the indeterminacy of inversion and multimodal of object function, the Niche Genetic Algorithms is introduced in this paper. First find several local peaks or several global peaks of the object function, then get the satisfied solution according to priori information. 基于反演问题的不确定性和目标函数的多峰性,引入改进的小生境遗传算法,求解出目标函数的若干个局部峰(或全局峰),然后利用先验知识,判定得到满意解。
Therefore, to promote the efficiency of spatial data symbolization is vital for enhancing the capability of GIS software. This paper has proposed an algorithm design based on property unit, taking into account the global optimization and symbol object orientation. 提高空间数据符号化效率,是提高GIS软件性能的重要方面,本文提出考虑全局优化、面向符号对象整体、基于特征元的算法设计思想。
Composing thrifty basic central bank is a kind of decomposing cell project which based on global object of composing thrifty society. 构建节约型基层央行是在构建节约型社会的总体目标中,分解出来的细胞工程。
Application is a global object shared by all clients on web, and its attribute is defined in Global. Application是Web站点所有用户可共享的全局对象,其属性在Global。
The top level of the model included one decision-maker who regarded the maximum profits of per unit output in the group domain as the global object; 模型上层由一个中心决策者组成,以集团单位产出利润最大为决策目标;
The global object of the reform is to build professional labs and bases for practice and training with multivariate subjects of investment, diversified functions and production, teaching and research integration. 改革的总体目标是建立投资主体多元化、功能多样化、产学研一体化的专业实验室和实习实训基地;
Research on Automatically Locating Global Object in the Space 空间球形物体自动定位方法研究
A three level distributed spatial index model which consist of node, spatial virtual organization and global object is presented to realize rapid resource locating and discovering in global resource or in specific virtual organization. 建立节点、空间虚拟组织、全局形式的三级分布式空间索引模型,实现了全局空间数据资源和虚拟组织范围内的空间数据资源的快速定位与发现。
From the strategic prospect, free trade agreement is the platform of the United States achieving the global economic strategy object, even beyond the global economic strategy object. 美国要借助这个平台实现全球经济战略目标,甚至超出全球经济战略目标。
In recent years, the world have focused on the Internet of things, which is we want to construct global real-time object information sharing Internet, based on RFID technology, EPC standard and Internet technology. 近年来,世界各国都在关注物联网这一概念,即我们要在互联网、RFID技术、EPC标准的基础上,构造了一个实现全球物品信息实时共享的实物互联网。